
Rauma comes with an authorisation framework. To use it, you will need to implement an authorisation controller that will handle logging in and out.

You can access the auth module as a service:


To log a user in:

    ['name' => 'Jane']

The params are user ID, and optional arrays of roles and attributes.

To log a user out:


Other useful methods:

Method Use
getId Get the user's ID.
hasRole Check a user has a specific role/permission.
hashPassword Used for registrations.
isLoggedIn Is the user currently logged in?
verifyPassword Check a password against a hash.

Require login

Use the LoggedIn annotation to require the user to log in.


This can be used on the controller or method level.

Require a group

Use the Allowed annotation to restrict a resource to a particular group.



You can extend the Authorisation class and initialise it in your config.yml file like any other service. Using the service name auth will allow Rauma to pick it up and use it for annoted authorisations.