
Controllers should extend Rauma\Framework\Controller\Controller and be listed in the applications config.yml. If you are rending HTML pages, extend PageController instead to get a bunch of stuff for free, such as template rendering.


namespace App\Controller;

use Rauma\Framework\Annotation\Route;
use Rauma\Framework\Controller\PageController;
use Rauma\Messaging\Response\JsonResponse;

class TestController extends PageController
     * @Route("/")
    public function index()
        return $this->renderPage('homepage.html');

     * @Route("/json")
    public function json()
        return new JsonResponse(['Hello' => 'World!']);


Routes are added using annotations. You can add dynamic sections, with an optional regular expression to validate them.


You can also specify methods allowed. If the method attribute is not specified, it defaults to get. Any time you add a get, a head is also added.

@Route("/url", method="GET,POST")

Annotation performance

For faster performance, enable APC usage. This will cache the reading of annotations.

SetEnv app.cache.enable 1