
Rauma uses the Mustache PHP template engine. By default, it will look for a directory named templates in your root directory. You can override this in config.yml.

    directory: "template-files"

Partials are loaded from the same directory.

From your controller, you can then call the render() method on Rauma's PageController, passing it a filename and an array of data. You can also use templating as a service:

$this->service('templating')->render($template, $data);

The PageController class also has a renderPage() method. This will render the template and then render this inside a template called layout.html, which should contain a {{{body}}} placeholder.

You can override the name of layout.html in your own controller casses.

$this->layout = 'another-parent-template.xml';


For metadata, such as title and meta tags, use the Meta object on the PageController.