Migration guide


The breaking change to be aware of is that the description property has now disappeared from the Authorisation class. If you want to store more information than the user ID, use the attributes array.

4.0 also bumps the PHP version requirement to 7.1.

Optionally, you may also want to start using the new Response objects Rauma now provides, and the isLoggedIn auth service fucntion.


Configure sitemaps, if required.


Controllers used to take a Aura\Di\Container object as their first argument. They must now take a Rauma\Service\Container object.


Implement a custom exception handler, if required.

Rename forbidden.html to 403.html.


This changes the way we do authorisation. Previously, when we logged a user in we passed in an identifier and a list of roles:

    sprintf('%s <%s>', $user->getFullName(), $user->getEmail()),

Following the upgrade, we pass in an ID first:

    sprintf('%s <%s>', $user->getFirstName(), $user->getEmail()),

The getIdentifier method which used to return a text string describing the user has now been replaced by a getId and getDescription methods.